No, this isn’t an internet quiz in which you respond to 20 questions and get a generated answer with a picture of the enlightened guru who fits you best ( You scored an 18, you’re a “Yogananda”). I, and all other meditation teachers, harp on and on about enlightenment and expanding your consciousness state with meditation, but I realized that I don’t often go into exactly what that means. How do you know what your consciousness state is and how it compares to others if you’ve never known what it’s like not to be you?
What is a consciousness state?
I’m sure you’ve heard, either through meditation people or quantum physicists, that everything is One thing, One indivisible, whole consciousness field. That means that the world is made up of nothing more than shaped consciousness. If you look at the smallest part of the smallest thing, the leptoquarks of the nucleus of an atom, you can see that there is actually no true particle there at all, but energy oscillating back and forth between a wave and the appearance of a particle. So everything to some degree has consciousness, or awareness, of its status as that One thing. The chair I’m sitting on has a very limited awareness of its status. Humans are the only species that is able to experience enlightenment, which means realization of this true status, though few reach this state in full.